When to eat fruits!


  Swedish research confirmed that eating fruit after finishing meals  is like taking a dose of poison because it destroys the enzyme 'Pityalin' which is essential to complete the process of digestion of carbohydrates.

  Fruits need to pass slowly through the stomach to be digested in a natural way, but when it meets with meats ferment in the stomach and it would turn into alcohol that hinders the process of digestion. At the same time the fruits loses all the vitamins they contain, along with disturbing the process of metabolism. In addition, the unnatural decomposition of proteins causes swelling in the stomach

  The newspaper 'Republic' mentioned  that the Egyptian doctors the supervisors of the research, advised to eat fruits, after about three hours of eating a meal or an hour before dinner or a meal full of fruit.

The prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) advised us to eat fruits 2 hours after the meal.