Belly Dance

You can call it belly dance, middle eastern dance or oriental dance, it is very famous in Egypt and the Levant, many people in Europe and America are learning it. The most famous belly dancers were Egyptians, they have danced and acted in the old black and white Egyptian movies.

 Belly dance is a great sport, it makes all the body muscles move. If you have no time or enough money to go to the gym, or if you get bored easily, belly dance can make you lose weight very fast if you do it regularly without getting bored but enjoying the music and yourself, it has the same effect on purifying your mind like sports.  it would make you feel like you are flying, or like you are in a very nice dream. Dancing the belly dance makes you feel like you are playing the music with your body.

 Experts said that the dance depends on warm-up exercises at the beginning, and the right ways to stretch and to be ready for dancing. Experts believe that the practice of this dance is considered as a fitness program that is useful and effective, and   helps in the enjoyment of agility, improves the appearance and shape of the body, and increase self-confidence

Dance anywhere you like in the house, put things in order while you are dancing, cook while you are dancing. Psychiatrists say that your good mood, dancing, singing, and expressing happiness while cooking gives a special flavor to the food.

 Belly dance during pregnancy:

 Some Doctors believe that belly dance has benefits to pregnant women. However, before doing any activities or physical exercises whilst pregnant, always seek your doctor’s advise.

 Experts consider hip rolls and circles to be good for strengthening the pelvic and abdominal muscles, which are involved in childbirth, while relaxing them at the same time.

The most suitable belly dance movements for pregnant women have to be slow, undulating and rolling movements, such as hip circles.

The process of muscles isolation, which is so important in belly dance, is also considered to be very helpful during child birth.  If a woman is capable of contracting some parts of her body, while at the same time relaxing all the other muscles, she will be able to feel more relaxed overall, while focusing only on the muscles involved in delivering the baby.
However, belly dancing in pregnancy is not only about strong pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.

 Belly dance also:

 Fights diabetes
 Relieves backache
 Provides self esteem
 Helps maintaining general fitness
 Relaxes the body