Skin Care

Natural masks that cleans, freshens and purifies your skin.  

1. Carrots and Turnip masks for clear skin:

  1 cooked carrot + 1 cooked turnip. Mash them together while they are warm and make a dough, leave it till it cools down, then put the dough on the face, avoid delicate areas around the eyes, leave the mask for 30 minutes, then wash the face. It is preferred to make this mask once a week.

2.Starch and rose water mask

3 tablespoons rose water+1/2 glass cold water+1 tablespoon starch. Mix the starch in cold water and heat it up while stirring until it is thick, then put it in the fridge till it cools down. Put it on your face and leave it for 30 minutes, wash with warm water, then cold. That mask gives your face a white stunning colour.

3. Olive oil, yeast and honey mask for fresh skin.

2 tablespoons egg yolk + 2 tablespoons honey + 2 tablespoons of cream + 2 tablespoons of sesame oil or olive oil + 1/2 tea spoon cider vinegar + some milk and some water.

 Put the yeast to the egg yolks, honey, cream, and cider vinegar to make a good mixture. Apply to face and leave it for 20 minutes and avoid delicate areas around the eyes, wash the face with warm water then wash with milk that is diluted with water,.  Leave the face till it dries then wash again with warm water then use the mask once a week it helps purifying the skin and resists wrinkles appearance.

Dry skin masks:

That mask doesn't only help you get rid of dry skin but. it also helps  feeding the skin, and that is because the great natural components that feeds the skin.

The ingredients:

1 Tablespoon of grated lemon rind

1 Tablespoon of grated orange rind

1 Tablespoon of flour

2 Drops of lemon juice

2 Drops of orange juice

Mix the rasped lemon skin with the rasped orange skin then put the flour, the lemon juice the orange and the oil. Rub your face with this mixture, then wash it with warm water.

If there is a sign of accumulation of dead cells on the skin, after rubing, apply some cream on your face for 3 minutes.

Preferably use this mask once a week.

Very dry skin mask:

1 Tablespoon of olive oil

1 Tablespoon of vaseline

1 Tablespoon of yeast dissolved by 2 tablespoons of warm milk.

Mix the vaseline with oil then put the yeast, keep stirring them. put some flour to make the mixture hold together.

Apply the mask on your face and leave it for 10 minutes then wash it.

Repeat the mask twice a week and you will notice the difference.

Dark circles around the eyes

  I know  dark circles around the eyes are so irritating, they make you look sick, and you have to put a lot of make up to cover them, which is not healthy for your skin and makes you have wrinkles early, so i got you some natural remedies, that makes the circles disappear if you use them regularly, without out any creams that contain chemicals which would have some side effects.          


Peel the raw potatoes and cut it to slices and apply it on the dark circles


 Boil the parsley and get a piece of cotton put in the parsley's water after it is cool then put the piece of cotton on the dark circles.

Castor oil:

Apply it on eye lashes and dark circles before you sleep. Wash it when you wake up. It lightens the dark circles and makes your eye lashes longer.
Use it everyday for a whole month and you will notice the difference.

Almond oil:

1 tsp of almond + 1 tsp of boiled mint 
Apply it everyday for a week  


Make a juice of watercress and apply it around your eyes for an hour for a week


5 spoons of cool milk, put it under your eyes for 15 minutes 


Mix the honey with milk, apply it on the dark area around your eyes, and leave it for 5 minutes


Boil the Chamomile, insert a piece of cotton in to the Chamomile's warm boiled water and put the cotton on your eyes.


Boil some tea, then put it in the fridge until it gets cool, then insert a piece of cotton in to it then put it on your eyes.

-Massage under your eyes with Olive oil for 7 days
-Massage under your eyes with Wheat germ oil for 7 days

If you are healthy inside you will be healthy outside
Drink 8 glasses of water everyday
Sleep early


 Today i am thinking so much about demonic possession, and how it affects people's life. Some people believe in it some people don't, I always used to believe in it even before i see things happening to people in front of my eyes. Demons and demonic possessions are also mentioned in Torah, Bible, and the Qura'n . I am writing about it in women's blog because women get really possessed more than men.

 How to protect our selves from demonic possession:

1. Pray: whatever your religion is you need to pray everyday, because while praying you mention God's name and God's name scares demons.

1. Never sleep naked ( men and women ). Women should never sleep in sexy clothes because they get easily possessed more than men.

2. Never sleep alone: if you have to because you live alone, then pray as much as you can during the day when you wake up and before you sleep.

3. Don't sleep in a dark room, at least a small lamp should be on.

4. Avoid all the things that are forbidden in your religions. Avoid places like bars, night clubs, and anywhere where wrong things are happening.

5. Don't talk or listen to music or scream in the bathroom.

6. Don't cry at night.

7. Don't skip hot water in the toilet.

 Well that's not everything but they are the main things.

How to heal from Demonic possession:

By following the above points and by finding a good Priest or Sheikh that you know he heals from demonic possessions, someone that you really trust, you can ask in the church or mosque, be careful, don't let someone use you or take your money saying that they will heal and you are not sure about it. After you get healed be sure to keep following the above points.

How to know that you are possessed?

If one or some of these things are happening to you :

1. If you reached an age that you should be married but you aren't and this is not what you want.Whenever you like someone or in love with someone or they are in love with you, you will not continue with them, either they will leave you, or you will leave them for any reason, that it might sound logic to you or not but it just happens a lot and you don't know why.

2. If you are married and you always lose your babies, even if it looks like it is for a medical reason, most of the time believe me it is not.
Sometimes. if you can't work, whenever you find a good job you are not able to continue. You can never have money always things will happen that will make you lose your money.

3. If whenever you get married, you get divorced.

4. If you wake up everyday tired, and have difficulty sleeping.

 5. If you see animals in your dreams, if you see someone having or trying to have sex with you in the dream.
6. If you are ill and you think it is just a disease, and that illness staying long with you, or whenever you get healed, you get ill again, most of the time that is because of demons.

Why Does all that happen to us when we are possessed?

 Because when demons possess humans, they love their bodies and they want them only for themselves. They don't want them successful or rich, they get jealous if they are married because they want them only for themselves.

 Not all the cases are the same you might be working, rich, and successful but can't get married or have kids, and vice versa .
 Everything i mentioned was from real experiences that happened with people and from Religious men christians and muslims who helped people i know who got possessed. 

 They told me demons are harming people so much nowadays and they are ruining their lives. So BECAREFUL!!!

Honey Masks

If your face is pale put some honey and leave it for 10 minutes, then wash it with cool water.

For greasy skin, mix some honey with 1 egg white and apply on your face.

For dry skin, mix some honey with some milk or cream.

Some honey in the bathtub, makes your skin resists stress and makes you sleep easily.

1 Table spoon of honey, 1 table spoon of lemon juice, 1 table spoon of yeast

Mix the yeast in warm water, make it a dough, put the honey on it and mix it very well.
Apply the mixture on your face and avoid the area around your eyes. Relax for 5 minutes until the mask dries.
Put a piece of cotton in the lemon juice then put it on face. Wait 3 minutes then wash your face with warm water then cool water. 

Honey, wheat flour and eggs

Mix 4 spoons of honey with 2 spoons of wheat flour with and egg and some water.
Apply on face, then leave it for 20 minutes, then wash your face with warm water.

For a stunning pure face:

Cucumber, honey, milk and lemon
1.Mix a juice of 1 lemon with 3 table spoons of honey
Apply to face for 10 minutes
2.Cut the cucumber in to slices and put it on your face for 15 minutes.
3.3 Table spoons of honey and 2 table spoons of milk and apply on face for 15 minutes.

Each time wash your face with warm water and then insert a piece of cotton in rose water then wipe your face with it

Lost in the land of love

Lost  in the land of love
Waiting for you
I am here and you are there

But you will be here with me,
holding me, loving me, the same way we used to be

Sometimes i feel sad and broken
Sometimes i feel happy when i have hope that one day we will meet again

You love me? Yes I know
Do I love you?  I am sure I do

Baby, Stop the tears and have faith
Those answers mean
Our love is stronger than fate

We are committed to each other
No matter what the distance is
you are mine and i am yours
And we will be together again

Belly Dance Costumes

A Nice Collection Of  Belly Dance Costumes


Belly Dance

You can call it belly dance, middle eastern dance or oriental dance, it is very famous in Egypt and the Levant, many people in Europe and America are learning it. The most famous belly dancers were Egyptians, they have danced and acted in the old black and white Egyptian movies.

 Belly dance is a great sport, it makes all the body muscles move. If you have no time or enough money to go to the gym, or if you get bored easily, belly dance can make you lose weight very fast if you do it regularly without getting bored but enjoying the music and yourself, it has the same effect on purifying your mind like sports.  it would make you feel like you are flying, or like you are in a very nice dream. Dancing the belly dance makes you feel like you are playing the music with your body.

 Experts said that the dance depends on warm-up exercises at the beginning, and the right ways to stretch and to be ready for dancing. Experts believe that the practice of this dance is considered as a fitness program that is useful and effective, and   helps in the enjoyment of agility, improves the appearance and shape of the body, and increase self-confidence

Dance anywhere you like in the house, put things in order while you are dancing, cook while you are dancing. Psychiatrists say that your good mood, dancing, singing, and expressing happiness while cooking gives a special flavor to the food.

 Belly dance during pregnancy:

 Some Doctors believe that belly dance has benefits to pregnant women. However, before doing any activities or physical exercises whilst pregnant, always seek your doctor’s advise.

 Experts consider hip rolls and circles to be good for strengthening the pelvic and abdominal muscles, which are involved in childbirth, while relaxing them at the same time.

The most suitable belly dance movements for pregnant women have to be slow, undulating and rolling movements, such as hip circles.

The process of muscles isolation, which is so important in belly dance, is also considered to be very helpful during child birth.  If a woman is capable of contracting some parts of her body, while at the same time relaxing all the other muscles, she will be able to feel more relaxed overall, while focusing only on the muscles involved in delivering the baby.
However, belly dancing in pregnancy is not only about strong pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.

 Belly dance also:

 Fights diabetes
 Relieves backache
 Provides self esteem
 Helps maintaining general fitness
 Relaxes the body